Healthy Teeth for a Lifetime

Dr. Ross’s goal is to simply help his patients retain their teeth all of their lives…in maximum comfort, function, health, and esthetics.  We care about more than your teeth—we care about you. We are committed to helping you make well informed decisions about your dental care that will lead to better dental and general health.  Decisions based on good sense, solid science, technology, and an understanding of your dental needs are the cornerstones of this practice.

mature-teethiStock_000002701398SmallGum Care

Healthy gums are the best protection against periodontal disease which can destroy the foundation of your teeth.  The best way to assure continued good periodontal health is to diligently follow the home care and oral hygiene instructions prescribed by Dr. Ross and his hygienist.  The bacteria normally present in your mouth can, if left undisturbed, colonize on tooth surfaces and result in the formation of plaque (soft deposits) and calculus or tartar (hard deposits). The hygienist will remove the calculus which will eliminate the bacteria and prevent loss of bone and gum disease.

Dental Fear & Anxiety

We provide many options to help you  enjoy a comfortable dental experience. Patients can enjoy watching cable TV or listening to music on headphones while having their treatment.  The latest in numbing techniques including Electronic Analgesia is available.


Dr. Ross takes pride in the quality of the care we provide and our accessibility is part of that commitment to quality.  In the event of an emergency call 603-357-6767 and you will be properly directed.  After office hours, Dr. Ross covers his own emergencies from  8:30AM to 9:00PM.  In the case of a more serious problem or if you are unable to reach us please go directly to the nearest emergency room.

Maintaining Good Oral Health

In most cases if your gums and teeth are healthy, the American Dental Association recommends 6 month check-ups and cleanings.  When there are gum problems, tobacco use or compromised teeth, we will want to see you at shorter intervals following the guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Periodontology.  Dr. Ross will discuss with you and tailor a program uniquely designed to meet your needs.

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    Monday: 9:00am – 7pm
    Tuesday: 9:00am – 7pm
    Friday: 9:00am – 5pm

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  • What Your Smile Says About You

    “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

    by Leo Buscaglia